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Errika Prezerakou was born in Athens.

Psychology, Alternative forms of Energy Psychotherapy, Prenatal and Infant development constitute the field of her studies to this day.

In 2000, she entered pole vaulting championships. In 2003 she achieved the 2nd best performance of all time in Greece, with victories in Panhellenic and Balkan championships.

The experience of ten years derived from her championships' participation and her engagement with alternative forms of psychotherapy, led her in 2004 to start a study on the meaning of connections between 4 human fields. Her intention is to prove that when we are connected with our Being, when our Thoughts have a positive direction and our Emotions are positive and open, then our body works wonders.

Thus, she created Replayce training, during which we simultaneously train all 4 of our fields (Energy, Mind, Emotion, Body) towards a positive direction. The Replayce training was created in 2008 and implemented as an innovative sports pedagogic system, with spectacular results, providing care to both children and adults.


Replayce training has been awarded with Innovation and Education awards: Fitness Awards Gold Award, Sports Marketing Awards Gold Award, Stelios Hatziioannou Silver Award, Education Leaders Awards Silver Award, etc.


In 2013, the Replayce Parkinson program was completed, with great success and spectacular results for the people who participated!


​"Replayce means realising and dismissing of old limiting beliefs (Place it) and replacing them (Replayce it) through the joy of play (Play)"

Errika Prezerakou

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